
My name is Andrea Valentina Ahumada Araya, I was born on June 8th, 1993 in Iquique.
My father's name is Tomas, my mother's name is Patricia and I have 3 sisters: Daniela, Jannette and Myriam. I have a pet, it is a dog, his name is Max and he is 17 years old. Furthermore I have a nephew and niece, their names are Vicente and Mya. With my boyfriend, Abner Rojas, we are dating since 2009 and I love him very much!

I have lived all my life in Iquique, when I was child I was in Iquique English college (Elementary), there I participated a lot, for example, in dance, marching band and others. I finished the high school in 2011.
I like to stay with my family, go to the stadium, take photographs and watch TV. Finally, I dislike the lies and cockroachs. 

(Autobiography: Reading and Composition)

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